Compressed air
Compressed air has been widely used as a work medium within the domain
of automation and plants.
Benefits of compressed air
Quantity: Air for compressing is available to unlimited quantities and us.
Accumulation: Compressed air can be accumulation in reservoirs.
Transport: Compressed air can be transported by reservoir or by pipes
over long distances.
Speed: Compressed air reaches high speed under transport and
working dements have speed. Max. speeds of pneumatics
cylinder as finishing elements are up to 2 m/sec.
Regulations: The force and speed of movement of the finishing elements can be continuously changed with a simple devices (pressure
regulator, one-way flow control valve).
Temperature: Compressed air is slightly sensitive to temperature changes.
Explosive protection: Compressed air can be used in explosive materials because there is no danger of explosion.
No pollution: Compressed air, free of moisture oil and mechanical impurities, is good for use in food, textile, leather, wood, … industries because it does not cause pollution.
Device price: The devices are simply constructed and relatively priced
Safety: Compressed air, with regulated pressure is very safe to work with
and protect devices from overloading and breaking.
Deficiencies of compressed air
Preparation: Compressed air requires good preparations. It is necessary to separate moisture and mechanical impurities from the air. With
good lubrication we will prolong a long life of pneumatic devices.
Load: Compressed air is efficient only for pressure up to 8bar and for
force up to 4000 daN.
Noise: Compressed air on exit ports is very loud. This is reduced with
silencers but it is impossible to completely eliminate the noise..
Price: Compressed air is an expensive source of energy. This is
compensated with the low price of the component and long life.